Eye Care Tips From The Eye Clinic in Ajah

We have hands to feel, a nose to smell, ears to hear, but our eyes are one of our most important parts. Without vision, life becomes dark and difficult. That means eye care should be on the top of your priority list, so check out all the great expert advice from the Eye Clinic in Ajah.

Only visit qualified practitioners to do eye examinations. Ask your family or friends to recommend a good eye doctor. This helps to increase the chances that you will receive proper care.

Wear sunglasses to help keep your eyes protected from sun light. Get a pair with UV lenses and take them everywhere with you. Sun is harmful to your eyes and the soft, thin skin around your eyes. Don’t take any chances when it comes to your eyes.

You should quit smoking to better care for your eyes. It may sound silly, but smoking can negatively impact your eyes. It can increase your risks of developing cataracts, macular degeneration, and optic nerve damage. These issues can cause cause you to lose your sight, so it is worth the effort to quit.

Drink plenty of water to keep your eyes hydrated. Your eyes are made mostly of water, and they need to stay moist at all times to remain healthy. Dry eyes are more prone to eye problems and diseases. Keeping your body fully hydrated will ensure that your eyes stay moisturized.

You can actually prevent many eye problems with proper care. Your eyes can stay healthy over time when your diet is rich in vitamins like C and E, as well as zinc and omega-3 fats. Salmon, tuna, nuts, beans, green leafy vegetables, and oranges are just a few of the foods that have these helpful nutrients.

If you are planning on staying outside for a long period of time, wear a baseball hat or visor. This can prevent the sun’s harmful rays from impacting your eyes and can reduce any irritation that you feel. Additionally, your eyes will become less dry if you block the sun from entering in.

Drink plenty of water. As with the rest of your body, your eyes require adequate hydration. If you consume adequate amounts of water, it will help you. Consider talking to your health care professional to find out how much water you need to consume each day based on your weight and activity levels.

Staring at a computer can cause a lot of strain on your eyes, which can lead to a number of issues, such as migraines, dry eyes, and difficulty seeing. This is why you need to take proper precautions when you know you are going to be on the computer for awhile. Be sure your computer is at a position in which your eyes are on the same level as the monitor and if possible, wear glasses.

Make sure you have good light when you are reading, especially if the book you are reading has fine print. Although your eyes will not be damaged by reading in dim light, the eye strain it causes will make your eyes feel tired. You should take a break occasionally while reading, especially if your eyes begin to feel tired.

Antioxidants can help prevent many eye problems. Studies have proven that antioxidants can help curb some of the biological deterioration people who are aging experience. It is believed antioxidants help by preventing cell damage oxidation causes. You can consume antioxidants through certain foods or even take a supplement; but, be sure to consult with a doctor first before taking one.

Do you wear contacts? If so, make sure you have a pair of glasses that you can wear if your eyes get irritated. You do not want to make the situation worse by forcing yourself to wear the contacts because serious problems can result. Also, make sure you keep the contacts very clean.

It is very possible to have an eye condition and not even know it; some conditions do not even produce any symptoms. This is why it is important to see an eye doctor each year, something most people neglect to do. An eye doctor can take a thorough look at your eyes and investigate any problems he or she may find.

When you have puffy eyes, using cucumber slices can prevent retention of water. Cut cold cucumbers into 1/4 inch slices and place on your eyelids while you relax with your eyes closed for about 10 minutes. Soaking green tea bags in water is great for reducing eye puffiness along with inflammation.

Maintain your eyes healthy by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Carrots, which contain beta carotene are particular helpful in keeping your eyes healthy. The reason being that beta carotene is an antioxidant which decreases the risk of getting macular degeneration. Bell peppers, brussel sprouts and broccoli are also good since they have lots of vitamin C.

Use eye drops sparingly. While eye drops are effective in soothing irritated eyes and reducing redness, you shouldn’t use them too often. Used frequently, the soothing effects will begin to lose effectiveness, and you may end up with a rebound effect. This means that your eyes will be even drier than before. If your eyes need additional moisture, choose a saline only drop whenever possible.

With so much advice here on caring for your eyes, you know that you have a great knowledge of the topic now. While knowing a lot is great, using that knowledge is key. Be sure to start implementing these ideas one by one so that you can keep your eyes healthy and happy.