Why You Need a Custody Attorney

Custody Attorney

A lawyer can help you navigate the complex and emotional issues that arise in child custody disputes. A lawyer can also help you to understand the laws that apply to your specific situation and how they may impact your case. Your lawyer will also be able to help you to find solutions that work for both you and your co-parent.

Whether you have children from a previous relationship or are separating from your partner, the issue of child custody is one of the most important legal issues in your life. The decisions made in a custody dispute will have long-term implications for you and your family. For this reason, it is critical to work with an experienced and knowledgeable NYC child custody attorney.

When deciding on a Custody Attorney arrangement, judges take several factors into consideration. These include the parents’ ability to cooperate, each parent’s level of maturity, and the child’s wishes, if they are old enough to express them. A judge will also consider each parent’s work schedule and other commitments. If a child has special needs, the unique requirements of the child will also be taken into account.

A judge may grant both parents joint legal custody and share decision-making, or a judge may award one parent sole legal custody and make all the decisions for the child. In either case, both parents must be able to make decisions in the best interests of the child. If a parent has sole legal custody, the noncustodial parent will have visitation rights.

In custody cases involving children of any age, a Judge will often appoint an Attorney for the Child, previously known as a Law Guardian. This person is tasked with meeting with the child and advocating for the child’s expressed wishes in court. In addition, the Judge will consider this person’s knowledge of the child’s daily routine and their relationship with both parents.

Frequent relocations can have a serious effect on a child’s sense of stability and can affect their schooling, social connections, and overall well-being. Moreover, financial instability can raise concerns about your ability to provide a stable home environment. A Judge will also consider your income, debts, and assets when determining your ability to meet your child’s physical and financial needs.

It is important to avoid speaking negatively about your former partner or acting hostile towards them in court. This can damage your chances of obtaining a favorable custody arrangement. Furthermore, it is important to demonstrate a willingness to foster a positive and healthy relationship with your former partner. This can be shown through your willingness to facilitate access and communication with the other parent, records of promoting shared parenting time, and testimonies from others that affirm your commitment to nurturing a positive relationship.